May I Never Be Unmoved

May I never be unmoved by the simple act of human kindness.

I wrote that thought on my Facebook page earlier this week after watching an episode of Grey’s Anatomy. In the episode, many of Dr. Grey’s former patients show up to bear witness to the incredible treatment she has given them over the years. All these individuals came together for the sole purpose of lifting Dr. Grey up. Together their simple acts of human kindness, changed the outcome of Dr. Grey’s medical board trial. It made me more than a little teary.

Then I wondered if it was silly, to get all teary over a moment on a TV show. It’s just TV after all. But here’s the thing, I know a lot of TV is based on the lives of real life humans, even if the show is not a documentary. Real people’s stories inspire the writers to write scenes that purposefully capture our attention. And, honestly I much prefer being grabbed by the good than the gory.

I wanted to write about this a few days ago, right after I watched the episode, but life. Life happened and it’s been awhile since I’ve been able to devote any time and attention to the keys of my computer.

And now I know why…

Last night I got to witness and participate in a real life coming together of folks for the sole purpose of lifting up another.

And, it looked a bit like the intro to a sitcom. Three moms, two kids, and a dog are in a house that doesn’t belong to any of them, except the dog…armed with a list of essentials needed to care for three kids and a mom who are all in spending the night in different houses and a hospital. It could have been a recipe for disaster. None of us familiar with the ways of the others. Our common bond being the family in need. Instead, it was a recipe for community.

In a few short minutes, all the essentials were collected and even a few well thought out extras were thrown in bags traveling all across our city, to the family member who needed them.

We showed up. We showed up in the ways that each of could. Whether it be having a child over with for slumber party with our own kids or shuttling snacks and overnight essentials to the hospital, we showed up. And, it made me more than a little teary, it made me grateful.

Grateful that I get to bear witness to real community, real showing up for someone who needed help. And any mom that was there last night will tell you, it was, “No big deal.” We did what needed to be done. Three simple acts of human kindness changed the outcome for a family in crisis.

May I never be unmoved by witnessing, giving, or receiving the simple act of human kindness.

love people silhouettes letters
Photo by burak kostak on


  1. I haven’t seen the episode you are referring to but I love the way it was lived out in your real life.
    May we always see the good that happens around us.


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